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It all started with a banker’s box of files, a kitchen table and one overwhelmed medical file reviewer. Our Co-Founders had a vision - develop a way to easily sift through medical records to find quintessential facts.


No one should struggle to find facts in medical data. Ever.


Our Mission - To catch medical facts that change lives.


No matter how complex a medical case is, reviewing medical files for the facts can be a demanding, yet critical, process. Our goal is to help medical experts automate and streamline their medical file review processes, saving them time, increasing efficiency, and improving report accuracy, leading to better outcomes for clients and greater success for the firm.


How Can SiftMed Help Your Business?

Find out how SiftMed helps Dennis save 30% of his review time and increase his caseload.

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Dennis Polygenis, PhysioHealth

Are You Ready to Speed Up Your Review?

Learn more on how John was able to review his files twice as fast using SiftMed's technology.

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John Drover, Roboethan McKay Marshall

SiftMed is Powered by Proprietary Technology 

SiftMed is dedicated to developing and using the most advanced technology available to help improve your case preparation process. Simply upload the medical records you need to review and let our technology guide you.

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Natural Language Processing
& Machine Learning

Automates the organization and categorization of records. We take large medical files, allow for them to be chronologically sorted, create categories, and resolve duplicates.

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Optical Character

Instantly makes your medical records searchable and allows you to easily copy and paste key pieces of information from PDF image files, including handwritten text.

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Our team is developing  the groundwork for a predictive analytics model that will highlight pertinent diagnoses and critical information in a file.

Let us help you sift through medical files faster.

Our Founders

Founded in 2020, SiftMed has a diverse group of innovative leaders, data scientists, software developers, and medical experts.

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